Current Production:
hoto credit: Tony Nelson
Blending dynamic theater and original songs, Sunrise at Midnight is a rare glimpse into the rich Kabyle Folktale tradition from Algeria virtually unknown in the United States. A flute that posses the power to upend life as we know it; a sexy cautionary tale for young men looking to marry too soon; a chilling sacrifice a leader must make, interweave to create an electrifying play of lust, wit and adventure.
July 20-30, 2017
All performances at 7:30pm
Performances at Dreamland Arts 677 Hamline Ave N St. Paul, MN
Tickets: dreamlandarts.com
Taous Claire Khazem and Aaron Gabriel are recipients of a 2017 Jerome Foundation & the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation Travel/Study grant.
Taous Claire Khazem is a fiscal year 2017 recipient of an Artist Initiative Grant from the MN State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of MN through a grant through the MN State Arts Board thanks to a legislative appropriation by the MN State Legislature and by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
- BelAhdan, talking about representation and In Algeria They Know My Name
- Algeria Song Blog
- Making of In Algeria They Know My Name
- TCG on diversity and inclusion
- COMPAS Artist Spotlight
- Aokas Ait Smail (Algeria)
- City Pages-Palace of the End
- Minn Post-Palace of the End
- MN Playlist--Eye of the Lamb
- Aisle Say--Stripe and Spot (Learn to Get Along)
- Howwastheshow--Edgar Allan Poe's The Nutcracker
Birds Sing Differently Here - Iraqi Voices, MN (August 2017)
Edgar Allan Poe’s Nutcracker, an unballet - Interact Center, MN
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs… - SteppingStone Theatre, MN
By the Seat of Our Pants - Interact Center, MN
Madame Josette’s Naughty and Nice Cabaret - Interact Center, MN
A Lion’s Tale Somali Folktales - SteppingStone Theatre, MN
Koolshy Jazz - Daraja Theatre, Algeria
Malgré Tout Bladi, Je t’aime - Troupe El Monastir, Algeria
Timiqwa n Tmucha - Regional Theatre of Bejaia, Algeria
The Royal Family - The Guthrie Theater (dir: Rachel Chavkin)
Madame Josette’s Sugar & Spice - Interact Center (dir: Dario Tangelson)
Plotholes: A Fools Foibles - Interact Center (dir: Jon Ferguson)
Pinocchio - SteppingStone Theater (dir: J. Antomarchi)
Harragas - Daraja Theatre, Algeria (dir: M. Yabdri)
2017 - Sunrise at Midnight - Producer, Actor, Writer
Blending dynamic theater and original songs, Sunrise at Midnight is a rare glimpse into the rich Kabyle Folktale tradition from Algeria virtually unknown in the United States. A flute that posses the power to upend life as we know it; a sexy cautionary tale for young men looking to marry too soon; a chilling sacrifice a leader must make interweave to create an electrifying play of lust, wit and adventure.
Created with the support of The Minnesota State Arts Board and The Jerome Foundation
2015 - New Arab American Theatre Works - co-producer
3 new plays by Minnesota Arab American theatre artists at Mixed Blood Theatre in Minneapolis: "In Algeria They Know My Name" by Taous Claire Khazem, "Safari" by Kathryn Haddad and "A Clown in Exile" by Mohammed Yabdri.
2011 - New plays for Women, Oran, Algeria - producer and teacher
In cooperation with the Regional Theatre of Oran, Algeria, I designed a six month training course for 30 women theatre artists. I brought in world renowned Algerian playwright Fatima Gallaire from Paris as well as Nawel Louerrad, Algeria's only female set designer, to lead intensive workshops. I divided the group into small companies and produced 4 new short plays that were performed in repertory. American Theatre Magazine's article on the project:
2009-2011 - Daraja Theatre - co-artistic director
I produced multiple productions for Daraja Theatre based in Oran, Algeria, including, Harragas, a satirical look at young Algerians illegally immigrating to Europe. I brought in a clown expert from the UK to work with the Algerian actors.
2009 - Kabyle Folktale Project - producer and director
With the support of the Amazigh Cultural Association in America, and the Regional Theatre of Bejaia (Algeria) I produced and directed an original production called Timiqwa n Tmucuha with an all women cast, based on folktales we collected in the region. Throughout the project I kept a detailed blog: http://thekabylefolktaleproject.blogspot.com. The production was filmed in 2009 for BerberTV, a national Algerian television station.
2007 - Tizi Ouzou, producer - writer and actor
Using a grant from Mizna, I self produced my own one woman show at Dreamland Arts with the help of Zaraawar Mistry. I have since organized multiple international tours for the show. Click on the Tizi Ouzou tab on the left for more information.